Friday, September 30, 2022

Water, The Resource We Take For Granted

                                         Water, The Resource We Take For Granted 

    Greetings to the person reading, My name is KW, and for the majority of the time Ive been at GCE I have been learning about water. Precisely for this week Ive been learning about water usage globally, percentages, pie graphs, and empathy. We have incorporated everything we learned over these couple of weeks into this project. In my poster, I will also demonstrate the visual aspect of our learning. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Gender Equality and The Elements of Hip-Hop

                                                  Gender Equality & The Elements Of Hip-Hop

    September 26, 2022 

    Hello, My name is K.W and for the past two weeks, I have been learning about Protest, Promotion, and PSAs as it relates to women's rights. I was assigned the task of creating my own public service announcement using 2 out of the five elements of hip-hop. The five elements of hip hop are, emceeing, deejaying, breaking, graff, and beatboxing. The two I chose were graffiti and emceeing, which can also be referred to as visual arts and vocalizing. 

    Target 5.1: End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere. Discrimination against women has been going on for centuries, and it is very unfortunate women still have to go through this in modern times. The Girl with the louding voice demonstrates SDG 5 gender equality because the main character Adunni wants to have an educational experience. Still, her voice is not being heard as a woman. The Girl with the louding voice connects with target 5.1 which states “End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.” In Adunni’s village, they see women differently and they are prejudiced, thinking of women as servants to men. This is something that is very common and happens worldwide; it is very sickening and needs to stop.

    Target 5:A- Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance, and natural resources, in accordance with national laws. This relates to my book Cant Stop Wont Stop because women in gangs did not get the same recognition as men. On page 12 when the gangs came together for a peace meeting the women were left out even tho they played a significant role in coming together for peace. Page 12 (Chang and Cook) “But the girl gang members who had played a crucial role in bringing the gangs to the peace table were not even represented, while the media and the social workers were.”

    In conclusion I have expended my knowledge on this topic. I also feel more aware of this issue and will try my best to stay informed.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Water Poster, Your Carelessness Towards Water, Somebody Else's Water Issues

 Your Carelessness Towards Water, Somebody Else's Water Issues 

    Hello my name is K.W this week, I have learned a lot about water wastage, water preserving, and some of the things people have to go through in order to get sanitary water. In my paper I will be discussing the things that were most intriguing to me. I will  also be talking about the inspiration behind my poster. 

    Causes and Effects of water wasting and preserving can be very crucial to somebody's life or death. The doctor recommends drinking 8 ounces of water daily, but sadly some people are at the disadvantage where they can't even have one ounce. Access to water is the most basic human need, This saddens my heart that people aren't able to have something that is essential for life. Even if they are able to get water there are various problems that they have to go through to get and drink the water. Over 1 trillion gallons of water are wasted  nationally, some families in less fortunate situations would kill for one ounce of water. My message to the person reading this is please be mindful of what you do with your water. 

     For my action project I was required to make a poster, the inspiration behind my poster was a comic strip. I wanted to protest against wasting water, therefore I drew some of the ways people most commonly waste water among households. This is important to me because a lot of water goes to waste and all the water that has been absentmindedly wasted could have gone to somebody who needed it. The overall global rate of improved water resources has improved, but still isn't enough. As human beings of this planet we collectively need to do better.  

    In conclusion, I have learned a lot about this topic and I feel more aware of this world issue. I hope more people learn not to take water for granted because at any given moment or time this vital resource can be taken away from us. Lastly I hope that this blog post motivates you to be mindful of how you use the vital resource called, water.  

Live your truth

                 Hello, my name is K.W and this is my last term as a freshman in high school. This year has been full of learning lessons an...