Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Black Alien Revolution


                                                                Black Alien Revolution

Hello, I'm K.W and I'm taking the class poetic justice. The main focus of this class is to find out how poetry can be poetic and to expand on the thought of that. Throughout this class, I've learned to dig deeper into simple topics that most people wouldn't consider poetic. We have gone on various field experiences and done various activities to help us further our understanding of how poetry in films, songs, etc. can be poetic. For this action project, we had to create a 2 to 3-minute-long poem that addresses a political topic. I decided to write my poem about a Black Woman personifying an alien.

Black Alien Revolution 

I do not exist In

Any other Instant 

Here in this 


My skin is 




On every planet

I am a Foreigner 

In every universe

I.     Am. An. Alien

They say,

“On our planet, we have brown aliens” 

Advertise us, as if they want us here 

But kick us to the bottom of moon craters as if were Pluto.

I wonder in another universe Am I Treated, The Same?

In that parallel dimension 

Do the strings align with this one?

Do I Sail Across the rings of Saturn 

For Freedom?

Longing for Acceptance,

Sorrowful, of What I Am 

And What

I Will Always Be Known As. 

Know that I will never find true love

For my Dark, slime covered, Alien Skin 

Travel and Traverse across the Intergalactic universe 

Searching for another being like me 

I wonder when I walk past a pink alien will they still make jokes like
“There must be a Lunar eclipse happening right now” 

Or Will I still be called a Black hole

Because they say All I do is suck in negativity 

Deep down
In my Alien beating heart 

I know

That a Black hole is truly, A Heavenly Body

With such Strong Gravity 

That Light 


Escape it 

I am a Massive Star who,


Those without Lunar vision, Cannot fathom 

The Star Power, that lives within me 

In this galaxy, I am made out to be something I'm not

Portrayed as a Dwarf Planet

I am useless. 

Will it always be this way?

Eons and Eons in the future 

Will there still be Discrimination towards other Aliens like me?

Will I still have to sit in the back of the starship 

Do pink aliens see a Purple alien and want to throw him in a Black hole? 

Will there be a Black Alien revolution? 

Where the Darkness and Burdens that we carry 

Turns into Light 

One day, 

My Skin 



To Deep 

And I will Reclaim my Alien name for what it is

And plant my flag on the moon Proudly

I Exist In

Every other instant 

Leaving this dimension 

My scars are way too deep

This week's action project challenged me a lot. At first, I thought I knew what I wanted to do, I thought I wanted to write a poem about the angry Black Woman stereotype but it was way too simple and I was drawing a creative blank with that topic. I also, wasted my class time working on that topic when I knew it was something I was more than likely going to change. Then, I wanted to revise a poem I wrote on suicide but that wasnt the way to go either. Then, I finally found my topic which is Black Women but as aliens in different universes. I thought of this idea when I was listening to the song Stay ready by Aiko, Jhene 2013 and heard the lyrics “we do not exist in, any other instant, here in this dimension, you and I are meant to be.”  I was also inspired by Alien Party- Isha Camara 2019. After hearing those lines and Camara’s poem, I was deeply inspired to write about aliens and Black Women. Specifically, I am a Black Woman using an alien and planets to say I don't fit in any universe and will always be a foreigner. Another challenge I faced was the process of revision and punctuation. I'm used to writing poems that flow and don't usually have stanzas or punctuation. Overall, this action project was challenging to complete but also furthered my understanding of the process of writing poetry and how it could take input from many perspectives to get a poem to be at a certain standard.

Stay Ready- Jhene Aiko  2013 “we do not exist in, any other instant, here in this dimension, you and I are meant to be.”

Alien Party- Isha Camara Wanpoetry 2013

Live your truth

                 Hello, my name is K.W and this is my last term as a freshman in high school. This year has been full of learning lessons an...