Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Live your truth

             Hello, my name is K.W and this is my last term as a freshman in high school. This year has been full of learning lessons and for my final action project I have been assigned to recap my year and explain how I have grown. I also had to connect this to Gce pillars for learning, make a slideshow, write a letter to my future self, and have an artifact that ties into my presentation. For this project reflected on my wants at the beginning of the year vs now and how my morals have changed. In conclusion, this was a fair project, but I struggled to articulate my words for my speech. If I had to change anything about this project, it would be the contents of my speech because I feel like it didn't talk on everything like my letter did. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Cookies, Can they Stand the Heat?


        Hello, my name is K.W and I am taking the course Food. In this course we have discussed various things that are important to food in a science and mathematical perspective. We baked brownies, cookies, and bread, while also changed the leavening agent, emulsifier, and temperature.These are Independant variables that affect dependant variables like texture, taste etc. We also went on a field experience to an uncommon grounds' brewery in the Rigley community. Some of the math we have done include logarithmic scales, conversion factor, exponents. For this action project I will be baking premade cookies and changing the temperature for them.


         Question- How will the outcome change if I change the temperature of the cookie.

Testable Hypothesis- My hypothesis is that when I lower the temperature of the cookie it will take longer to cook and will lack some of the better qualities.

Materials- Foil, cookie batter, oven

Procedure- Set oven to 315 degrees, then place cookies on foil and put them in the oven. the next step is to place the cookie dough on the foil and then place it in the oven. After that you bake it for however long it takes. Then let it cool. After that you take your second batch of cookie dough and place it on the foil and set, the oven to 350. And place your cookie in the Oven and take it out when its golden brown.

        Overall, this action project was not a hard task, but my time management skills were very poor during this project. The cookie that I baked at 350 tasted better and the texture was nicer too. The cookie that was baked at 315 degrees was flatter and had a less rich taste. The hypothesis that I stated was also correct because the cookie baked at the lower temperature did come out flatter than the over one. My further question is that I wonder what would happen if I homemade the cookies and then baked them, because the cookie dough has been sitting in my fridge for a while now and I think that contributed to the outcome of the cookie.

Independent variable 


Dependent variable 1- consistency 

Dependent variable 2- texture 

Dependent variable 3-leavening 

Temperature 350


The dough rises more and the taste better.

It was crispy on the outside but the inside soft. 

This cookie came out thicker and fluffier than the other one. 

Temperature 315


The cookie was flat. 

The cookie was flat and kinda bland on the inside. 

This cookie was flat. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Fashion Quitapena doll


                                                                    Fashion Quita Peña Doll

   Hello, my name is K.W and I am currently taking the Spanish one course. In this course we have been learning how the conjugate verbs. Some of the verbs I have conjugated are llevar, poder, prefier, and querer. For this action project I was assigned the task of making quitapena doll. A quitapena doll is a worry doll that can give you good emotions and take away negative emotions. 

K.W fashion quitapena doll 2023 

   This is my quetiapina doll in silk fabric with blue and pink pipe cleaners. Now here are my conjugated sentences.

Mi quitapena doll lleva ropa seda rosada,

    Lleva limpiapipas rosa, azul, La nina

Puede dar feliz

Puedo dar comodo

Prefiero sacar triste 

Prefiero sacar enojo

    Overalll this action project was fairly simple and I feel as though I have learned alot aboutt conjugating verbs.


Live your truth

                 Hello, my name is K.W and this is my last term as a freshman in high school. This year has been full of learning lessons an...