Monday, February 6, 2023

The Importance Of Knowing Your Culture

                                             The Importance of Knowing Your Culture 

    Hello, I am K.W and for this Unit In my Who Am I Class I have been talking about Culture, Ethnicity, & race and how it relates to your identity as an individual. We have also been on the topic of race vs ethnicity. With race relating to physical and biological features and ethnicity relating to culture and heritage. In our class we have also dissected and broke down many scenarios that may be hard for someone to come to terms with as someone might be learning their identity. We have looked at films such as Yellow Rose and Betty and Coretta. Now for our first Action Project we'll be interviewing a family member on the topic of Identity and how it relates to ethnicity and race. 

    In my interview I asked my interviewee also known as my grandfather several questions. These Questions covered multiple topics that we have been exploring in class, some topics include immigration, deportation, race, culture, heritage, religion. Here are some of the questions I asked, 

What is something you strongly believe in and how does this belief play into your identity? 

What is something that you feel is authentic to you? 

Where do you stand on the argument of immigration and deportation? 


Why do you feel that way?

I also explored the depths of my own identity by asking myself questions. For Example

What memories, experiences, and/or truths have contributed to understanding your identity? Did you always feel this way?  What made you change?

Being bullied in grammar school helped me to become that girl. This also helped me understand things about my identity as well as others. Things such as bullies are insecure and prey on the weak, and  sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles. Sometimes things are worth fighting for and other times they are not. And lastly people are going to talk so let them, and stay authentic to who you are. In a world of 8 billion people at least 4 billion are going to hate you especially if you're black.  

Overall, the interview went well, and I think I left my grandpa with the understanding of how all these things can contribute to his identity. I also think I learned a lot about myself as well. For Example, how life experiences and just instances as simple as the family you were born into can be so crucial to somebody's identity.


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Live your truth

                 Hello, my name is K.W and this is my last term as a freshman in high school. This year has been full of learning lessons an...