Monday, October 24, 2022

Old Generation To New Generation The Struggle We All Face

                         Old Generation To New Generation The Struggle We All Face 

    Hello, my name is K.W and for the past month or so, I have been learning about hip-hop and how it relates to the SDG’s. In my class, I was assigned the task of comparing and contrasting 2 songs that relate to SDG’s of my choice. The songs I chose were They don't care about us by Micheal, Jackson and The story of O.J by Jay-Z. The two SDG’S I compared these two was SDG 1 no poverty, and SDG 16 peace, justice, and better institutions. 

The image being shown is from Jay-Z’s music video The Story of O.J 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Dirty To Clean, The Story Of Water

                                                       Dirty To Clean, The Story Of Water 

Hello, my name is K.W and in water class, we have been learning about empathy in water. We have also learned about chemicals in water which can also be known as total dissolved solids. In my project today I will be filtering and testing the TDS in water. 

My hypothesis was that the water will still be dirty but with less dissolved solids by 15.  The materials I used were 3 cups, dirty water, paper towels, a TDS measurer, a ruler, a pencil, notebook. Firstly I poured the dirty water into the cup and measured the total TDS which was 841. Next, I took another cup and put paper towels over it to make a filter and poured the dirty water over it to filter, then I measured the TDS again. After that I took those 2 numbers and turned it into a fraction and a decimal, I also did the same thing with the TDS of salt water. What I observed was that the TDS lowered and the log numbers were different. 

 log scale 


In conclusion, my hypothesis was half correct, the water was less dirty but the TDS was lower by 108. I also feel more grateful that I have access to clean water, because if I had to drink that water I would feel very uncomfortable. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Water, The Resource We Take For Granted

Water, The Resource We Take For Granted 

Greetings to the person reading, My name is KW, and for the majority of the time Ive been at GCE I have been learning about water. Precisely for this week Ive been learning about water usage globally, percentages, pie graphs, and empathy. We have incorporated everything we learned over these couple of weeks into this project. In my poster, I will also demonstrate the visual aspect of our learning. 

        In class, we watched a video about a girl living in Ethiopia who had to walk nine hours and fifteen minutes for a couple of gallons of water, which wasn’t clean. This makes me feel very privileged because I have an access to water and waste water every day without realizing it. When we went to the Chicago river walk it took 43 minutes for me to carry roughly 2 gallons of water. My closest water source is 3.2 miles away and it takes an hour and 5 minutes to get there on foot. It would take 192 trips to carry all the water I use in just one day.

In my action project, I compared the amount of water the average American uses to the Average Peruvian uses. The average American uses over 300 gallons of water per day, whereas the Average Peruvian only uses about 44.9 gallons of water per day. Also, 0 people in America drink surface water but 2% of people in Peru drink surface water. Which can be filled with a lot of parasites, pesticides, dirt, and runoff. This is unfair and should be a crime, water is a need for life people shouldn't have to drink dirty water to barely survive. 

In conclusion, I think that we can all do a better job at preserving water. Earth is a shared planet and we all as global citizens have to pitch in to take care of our planet. I feel more informed and aware of this global issue and will try to conserve water and not waste it. 

Live your truth

                 Hello, my name is K.W and this is my last term as a freshman in high school. This year has been full of learning lessons an...