Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Dirty To Clean, The Story Of Water

                                                       Dirty To Clean, The Story Of Water 

Hello, my name is K.W and in water class, we have been learning about empathy in water. We have also learned about chemicals in water which can also be known as total dissolved solids. In my project today I will be filtering and testing the TDS in water. 

My hypothesis was that the water will still be dirty but with less dissolved solids by 15.  The materials I used were 3 cups, dirty water, paper towels, a TDS measurer, a ruler, a pencil, notebook. Firstly I poured the dirty water into the cup and measured the total TDS which was 841. Next, I took another cup and put paper towels over it to make a filter and poured the dirty water over it to filter, then I measured the TDS again. After that I took those 2 numbers and turned it into a fraction and a decimal, I also did the same thing with the TDS of salt water. What I observed was that the TDS lowered and the log numbers were different. 

 log scale 


In conclusion, my hypothesis was half correct, the water was less dirty but the TDS was lower by 108. I also feel more grateful that I have access to clean water, because if I had to drink that water I would feel very uncomfortable. 

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