Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Homemade Batteries

                                                                Homemade Batteries 

        Hello, my name is K.W and I am in 9th grade currently taking the class called energy. In this class we have been learning about SDG 7 which is talking about sustainable modern energy. We have also learned about KWH, Slope, graphs, algebra and we have also discussed different types of batteries like flywheel, and gravity. For this action project we were tasked with building batteries. 

        My hypothesis was that my battery would be lower than a lime because a lime is more acidic than an orange. The materials I used were an orange, a penny and a nickel for metal, these serve as my electrolytes and cathodes and anodes. 

Original Battery Idea 


Unfortunately, this idea did not work out and I had change course and use Gatorade as my electrolytes. My new Hypothesis was that I wasn't going to get higher than 0.10.

Gatorade and Nickel & Penny
This first process can be classified as you are taking your coins and putting them in the orange and then trying to measure the voltage but that didn't work. Therefore, I had to switch my orange out for Gatorade and retest the voltage and it came out to 0.01. Meaning that I would have to 150 of my batteries to equal 1 double A battery and 10,000 of my batteries to have 100 watts. After I did this, I tried again with distilled water as my electrolytes and the voltage came out 0.00. 
Distilled Water 
    In conclusion, this was an easy action project although there were a couple of bumps in the road, I still navigated my way through. If I were to do this project again, I would change my materials because I was only able to get 0.01 volts which is very low. Overall, I am grateful that I can incorporate math into projects and enjoy it. 

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