Tuesday, February 28, 2023

My Ideal Utopia


    Hello, my name is K.W and I am taking the course Who am I. In this course we are diving deep into our inner selves and exploring the complex topic of identity. Some of the topics we covered were race, ethnicity, religion, heritage, gender & sexuality. We have also looked at different scenarios to decipher the different things that play a role in who you are. For this action project we have to create our own ideal 3D Utopia and explain how it relates to our identity. 

    In my Utopia I incorporated various things and used a lot of symbolism. Most of the things in my Utopia are from my childhood because my upbringing is the most precious to my identity. Here are some of the main things in my Utopia and the reasons behind it.  The color pink is important to me because pink is my favorite color, it has been my favorite color for the entirety of my life span. In the color pink I feel most confident. There would be no utopia without the color pink. There also would be lots of people because I am an extrovert, and I like to talk, meet new people, and express myself. The people here would only be dark skin and brown skin of all ages. Preferably the people would be my fans or have the same opinions as me, to avoid confrontation because I despise arguments. In addition, I don't like feeling alone. In my utopia there would be lots of animals including my dog Daisy, specifically a bunny with clothes on it because my love for fashion started with doll clothes. In the Christian religion heaven is supposed to have every animal and they are friendly, so ideally this would be the same thing for my utopia. Along with that I am a huge animal lover. Staying on topic of the Christian religion there would be no nighttime just like heaven. I like this idea because I am scared of the dark, and there's no need to feel threatened, no need to come inside at a certain time because it's unsafe like in my neighborhood. In my utopia I will also have a garden with fresh produce. In the hood we don't have access to these things and often have to travel out of our neighborhood for these things. Nicki Minaj would also be included because she is my role model and my inspiration.  I included an unfolding shell because it symbolizes that although I know who I am I still have so much to learn, and I am still coming out of my shell. I also included my family as a foundation because my family means everything to me, and they raised me to be the person who I am today. I don't know where I'd be without them. As Well as my grandma's house which was the hangout spot for me, and a place that I think of as a sanctuary.


 This project helped to understand that I still don't know who I am yet. I know basic knowledge like my ethnicity, and my religion and how that plays into who I am, but I still am figuring out who I am, and why. Although, I do understand that my childhood has shaped me in many ways and is something very dear to me. This project was also very challenging for me because I haven't thought about my identity on this level yet, therefore I was puzzled when it came to making a utopia.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

La Casa Kaylee

                                                                 La Casa Kaylee 

Hello, my name is K.W and I am in Spanish 1. In this class we are learning about different rooms of a house other known as La Casa and how to conjugate IR, ER, AR verbs. Conjugating these verbs also changes the tense of these verbs in relation to present, past, and future tense. The only thing that was challenging to me was conjugating the verbs because I didn't know what to drop and what to replace the ending with. I also struggled with writing sentences because I am not fluent in Spanish yet and I'm still learning the names to certain objects. 

 My design I created via Roblox bloxburg
 Original design with actions I can do in the different rooms of La Casa 

Grammar Examples 

 El comedor Yo como papas fritas

La cocina Cocino pasta 

El dormitorio Yo  duermo

La sala Yo veo la televisión 

Ordeno la casa 

Limpio el dormitorio 

Leo librios

Escribo poemas La comeda está en la cocina 

El televisi’on esta’ la sala 

                In conclusion, this action project was an easy task to complete, the most challenging part was creating sentences, and conjugating the different verbs. Overall, I am grateful to be learning Spanish and proud of myself for not giving up.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Oil Fuel or Foe?


                                                                Oil Fuel or Foe?

        Greetings, my name is, K.W and I am in the Energy class at GCE. In this class we have been covering many topics ranging from math, chemistry, and physics. Specifically speaking we have been talking about fossil fuels, greenhouse gasses, slope, graphs, molecules, and chemical equations & reactions. In our class we have also done experiments with chemical reactions to further our understanding, although not all the experiments went perfectly that is still a lesson in itself. In addition to this, my class was also assigned an action project.

        For this action project we were assigned the task of creating a slide show for one of the fossil fuels. I chose oil for my fossil fuel, and in this slide show, we need to state facts about our fossil fuel, list statistics, calculate slope for consumption, predict future consumption, and list pros and cons. For example, this is one of the slides on my slideshow. There is a lot of information in this single slide, although it is pretty straight forward. I have information about recent oil consumption statistics, an article about oil, and reasons why we should care.

        In conclusion, this action project was generally easy, and helped me to understand how math can come into play in the real world. I have also gained knowledge on how many things can affect the planet and how it is very crucial to our ecosystem's development. I also think everybody should consider trying to help stop pollution & climate change it doesn't have to be buying an electric car it could be as simple as having a house plant. 


Monday, February 6, 2023

The Importance Of Knowing Your Culture

                                             The Importance of Knowing Your Culture 

    Hello, I am K.W and for this Unit In my Who Am I Class I have been talking about Culture, Ethnicity, & race and how it relates to your identity as an individual. We have also been on the topic of race vs ethnicity. With race relating to physical and biological features and ethnicity relating to culture and heritage. In our class we have also dissected and broke down many scenarios that may be hard for someone to come to terms with as someone might be learning their identity. We have looked at films such as Yellow Rose and Betty and Coretta. Now for our first Action Project we'll be interviewing a family member on the topic of Identity and how it relates to ethnicity and race. 

    In my interview I asked my interviewee also known as my grandfather several questions. These Questions covered multiple topics that we have been exploring in class, some topics include immigration, deportation, race, culture, heritage, religion. Here are some of the questions I asked, 

What is something you strongly believe in and how does this belief play into your identity? 

What is something that you feel is authentic to you? 

Where do you stand on the argument of immigration and deportation? 


Why do you feel that way?

I also explored the depths of my own identity by asking myself questions. For Example

What memories, experiences, and/or truths have contributed to understanding your identity? Did you always feel this way?  What made you change?

Being bullied in grammar school helped me to become that girl. This also helped me understand things about my identity as well as others. Things such as bullies are insecure and prey on the weak, and  sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles. Sometimes things are worth fighting for and other times they are not. And lastly people are going to talk so let them, and stay authentic to who you are. In a world of 8 billion people at least 4 billion are going to hate you especially if you're black.  

Overall, the interview went well, and I think I left my grandpa with the understanding of how all these things can contribute to his identity. I also think I learned a lot about myself as well. For Example, how life experiences and just instances as simple as the family you were born into can be so crucial to somebody's identity.


Live your truth

                 Hello, my name is K.W and this is my last term as a freshman in high school. This year has been full of learning lessons an...